A Step-By-Step Guide For Granting Voting Rights to Your Account Via Authz

  1. To use Keplr Validator Dashboard (KVD), start by visiting validator.keplr.app.
  2. Connect Keplr wallet to the account you want to grant your validator's voting rights to. (For Ledger users: Ledger support is available for chains that either support authz tx with amino codec or have upgraded to Cosmos SDK v0.46 or a higher version.)
Keplr Validator Dashboard
  1. Next, search for your validator's name in the search box. You'll need to repeat the following steps for each chain, but please keep in mind that some chains don't support Authz yet. Find your validator's name under the appropriate chain header and click on it.
Search for validator Keplr Validator Dashboard
  1. To authorize your account, click the copy button to copy the CLI command, then paste it into your CLI. Once you've run the command, return to KVD and click "Check" to confirm that the authorization has been processed. Note that it may take some time for block synchronization. (Turn on the toggle if you are using Ledger!)
Keplr Validator Dashboard