If you own multiple devices, chances are you could have several open wallet accounts as well. Enjoy the convenience of importing all of your Keplr and Ledger accounts into one master interface of your choice by using the [Add Account] option in your Keplr wallet menu.

How to Import Additional Accounts

  1. Inside your Keplr wallet browser extension, press the ‘Accounts’ icon on the top right corner and then click the ‘Add Account’ button.
Add several accounts with Keplr Wallet
  1. Then, you'll see the options to add additional accounts with option 3) and 4).
Add new account to Keplr Wallet
  1. Go to this guide to show you show to import an existing account either with a mnemonic phrase or via a Ledger device.

<div  class="warning blue">Be sure to have your correct derivation path ready for inputting. The derivation path should look like m/44'/…’/0/0/0</div>