<div  class="warning info">To recover your wallet, ensure you have your recovery phrase securely stored and Keplr Extension installed. Please note that we cannot assist with importing or recovering your wallet if you've already lost your recovery phrase. </div>

Import or Recover Existing Wallet (via Recovery phrase or Private key)

1. Click on [Import an existing wallet] and Click [Use recovery phrase or private Key].

2. Select 12 words or 24 words or Private key from the options and enter in the appropriate slot. Take care to check that they are spelled correctly, typed in small letters and in correct order. Next, give a name to your wallet account and enter a new password.

<div  class="warning">Make sure you have imported the account with the correct derivation path, viewable by clicking on [Advanced]. Normally, the derivation path should be m/44'/…’/0/0/0, but if you see that when importing the account via mnemonic on Keplr, the Cosmos Mainnet address displayed is different from yours, it is possible that the derivation path ends with 1 (or another number) instead of 0. If this is the case, all you have to do is replace the last 0 with 1. If you are interested in knowing more about the HD wallet derivation path, you type "HD derivation path" in the search bar.</div>

3. Select the chains that you want to use and press [Save] and press [Finish]. Your wallet is imported!